PIPPI 2024 Schedule

Marrakesh local time
6th October, Marrakesh PALMERAIE Convention Center, Room Amethyste

08:00 - 08:10 Welcome & Introduction
08:10 - 09:00 PIPPI Keynote Dr. Dan Wu, Zhejiang University, China
09:00 - 10:00 Oral Presentation Session and Q&A

09:00 1. Generative Diffusion Model Bootstraps Zero-shot Classification of Fetal Ultrasound Images In Underrepresented African Populations, Famgyijie Wang (University College Dublin)
09:10 2. Automatic 8-tissue Segmentation for 6-month Infant Brains, Yilan Dong (King's College London)
09:20 3. Joint Multi-Contrast Reconstruction of Fetal MRI based on Implicit Neural Representations, Steven Jia (Institut de neurosciences de la Timone)
09:30 4. Assessing data quality on fetal brain MRI reconstruction: a multi-site and multi-rater study, Thomas Sanchez (University of Lausanne (UNIL))
09:40 5. Enhancing Prenatal Diagnosis: Automated Fetal Brain MRI Morphometry, Ziga Spiclin (University of Ljubljana)
09:50 6. Towards Accurate Fetal Brain Parcellation via Hierarchical Network and Loss, Shijie Huang (Shanghaitech University)

10:00 - 10:30 Break (all workshops)
10:30 - 10:50 Spotlight Demonstation Talks

1. Thoams Day, Co-Founder and Medical Consultant, Fraiya Ltd

10:50 - 11:00 Intro to parallel poster sessions and PIPPI Best Paper Award
11:00 - 12:00 FETA Challenge Results
12:00 - 13:30 Joint PIPPI Poster Session

P1. SpaER: Learning Spatio-temporal Equivariant Representations for Fetal Brain Motion Tracking, Jian Wang (Harvard University)
P2. Fetal body parts segmentation using volumetric MRI reconstructions, Pedro Alarcón-Gil (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
P3. Semi-supervised three-dimensional detection of congenital brain anomalies in early human pregnancy, Marcella Zijta (Erasmus MC)
P4. Advanced Framework for Fetal Diffusion MRI: Dynamic Distortion and Motion Correction, Haykel Snoussi (Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School)
P5. Towards automated multi-regional lung parcellation for 0.55-3T 3D T2w fetal MRI, Alena Uus (King's College London)
P6. Automatic assessment of fetal multi-echo diffusion weighted scans, Antonia Bortolazzi (Smart Imaging Lab, Radiological Institute , University Hospital Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany)
P7. Rethinking Fetal Brain Atlas Construction: A Deep Learning Perspective, Kai Zhang (Shanghaitech University)
  P8. Automatic disentanglement of motion in fetal low field MRI scans, Michael Kitzberger (Smart Imaging Lab, Radiological Institute , University Hospital Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany)

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch

PIPPI 2024 Keynote Talk
Dr. Dan Wu, Zhejiang University, China
Learning-based approach in spatiotemporal imaging of the developing brain

Dan Wu

Neuroimaging of the developing brain, despite its technical challenge, has been shown to be important to tool to visualize the brain development and to assistant diagnosis of developmental diseases. This talk will cover our recent endeavors to develop advanced imaging acquisition and motion correction strategies for imaging the fetal brain. I will then describe the generation of spatiotemporal atlas of fetal and infant brains, as well as the large data-based neuroimaging analysis of brain development.

Dan Wu is currently a Professor at Zhejiang University. Dr. Wu obtained her Bachelor’s degree from Zhejiang University and master and PhD degrees from the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. She served as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Dr. Wu’s research focuses on the development of MRI pulse sequence and neuroimage analysis techniques, with a focus on diffusion MRI and developmental neuroscience. Dr. Wu has published over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles on PNAS, Science Advances, Radiology, etc. She is the PI of over 10 national and provincial projects. She was awarded Innovator under 35 China by MIT Tech Review, Young Scientist of World Economic Forum, Excellent Youth Project of NSFC, etc. Dr. Wu served the Associate Editor of Human Brain Mapping, and the Chair of Pediatric MR Study Group and the Secretary of the Diffusion MR Study Group of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM).