1st October 2021

MICCAI 2021 Virtual Satellite Event

Online presentation, poster and coffee sessions

Latest Updates

09/10/2020 Thanks everyone for an amazing PIPPI 2021, see you all next year!

23/08/2021 Congratulations to our Best Presentation winner Fleur Gaudfernau, a copy of the Pippi Longstocking short-stories will be on its way to you soon!

23/08/2021 Three days to go until PIPPI 2021!

23/08/2021 The programme has been decided and we will be posting updates here shortly!

28/07/2021 Notifications have been sent out today. Thank you for everyone for your hard work producing papers and especially to our reviewers!

07/07/2021 Submissions are in and the review process has begun. Watch this space!

25/06/2021The full-paper deadline has been extended to 5th July June 2021, 5PM PST!

25/06/2021 Last few days for submissions!

25/06/2021 For 2021 we are teaming up with Logos. Authors of selected best papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a special issue of MELBA, Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging.

22/06/2021 We are delighted to announce Ana Namburete as our Invited Speaker at PIPPI 2021. Please see our program page for more details!

27/05/2021 We can now confirm that this year's PIPPI will be held on 1st October 2021. Our CMT website is now open your submissions!

15/03/2021 Returning for 2021, we will be accepting both full-length submissions for publication in the official proceedings and short-abstracts for presentations.

14/03/2021 PIPPI is delighted to be returning in 2021. Now we are six!


The application of sophisticated analysis tools to fetal, neonatal and paediatric imaging data is of interest to a substantial proportion of the MICCAI community. It has gained additional interest especially in recent years, with the successful large scale open data initiatives such as the developing Human Connectome Project, the Baby Connectome Project, and the NIH-funded Human Placenta Project. These projects enable researchers without access to perinatal scanning facilities to bring in their image analysis expertise and domain knowledge. Advanced medical image analysis allows the detailed scientific study of conditions such as prematurity and the study of both normal singleton and twin development in addition to less common conditions unique to childhood. This workshop will complement the main MICCAI conference by providing a focused discussion of perinatal and paediatric image analysis that is not possible within the main conference.

Online Proceedings

Best Paper Award

Presentation Guidelines

Important Dates


Please contact us if you are interested in sponsoring PIPPI 2021 @MICCAI 2021.
